SharePoint Saturday – Apps Strategy for Business and IT - Netwoven

SharePoint Saturday – Apps Strategy for Business and IT

SharePoint Saturday – Apps Strategy for Business and IT

With SharePoint 2013, Microsoft has introduced and shifted the Custom Application development framework to Apps Model. This is a significant shift to Developer, IT and finally to the consuming Businesses.

In this session you will learn about what it means for Business to think about getting their new custom solution in SharePoint Platform built, or what it means to migration SharePoint 2007/2010 Full Trusted Solutions (FTS) to migrate to Apps Model. Understand the best practices, governance, cost, time and resources investments. Likewise, the IT will learn about what it means to be readiness to support the App Model, and the Developer will learn about Develop, Build and Deploy to App Model.


Rajesh Agadi: Rajesh has over 20 years of consulting experience mainly focused on Microsoft Stack of ECM. He has architected and built large scale Organizational Portals, Extranets, Public Sites, Migration, Branding, Enterprise Workflows. As SME Rajesh provides architecture solutions for Infrastructure, Information and Technical Design. As hardcore developer Rajesh has deployed solutions across all versions of SharePoint. Rajesh held Consulting and Organizational Leadership roles.

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