Ebook: Data Observability - Netwoven

Ebook: Data Observability

Data observability is the ability of an organization to have broad visibility of its data landscape and multilayer data dependencies. It helps bridge the gaps in data governance, ensuring a well-rounded, comprehensive, and contextual approach to resolving bottlenecks and driving results.

This comprehensive eBook explores:

  • The Growing Importance of Data Governance
  • The Biggest Challenges in Data Governance
  • What is Data Observability
  • Between the Two – A Hand in a Glove Connection
  • Data Observability Pillars and Core Elements
  • Difference Between Data Observability and Data Governance
  • Data Observability in Azure CAF and Maturity Model
  • Saasy Microsoft Fabric
  • Fabric Licensing
  • Built-in Data Observability in Microsoft Fabric
  • Data Observability Framework to Enterprise Benefit
  • Data Activator – Applied Data Observability
  • Collaboration and Communication Activities in Data M365
  • Organizational Network Analysis (ONA)
  • Dynamics 365 and Microsoft Fabric – Better Observability
  • Eliminate Data Siloes with Fabric and Dynamics 365
  • The Value of Data Science Integrated into The Analytics Workflow
  • New Business Opportunities with Microsoft Fabric – The Data Platform for The Era of AI
  • Microsoft Fabric Journey to General Availability

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