Keysight Technologies' migration from Jive to Microsoft 365: Enhancing user experience and security
The company noticed a decline in usage of Jive and transitioned to Microsoft 365. This helped them boost user experience, security and buisness continuity.

- Microsft 365
- Teams
- Yammer
- SharePoint Online
- OneDrive
- Jive
The Challenge
Keysight was using Jive cloud system for as their enterprise collaboration tool. Jive features such as discussion, documents, blogs, etc., were available to facilitate team communication and collaboration. The usage was, however, declining. After the company adopted Microsoft 365, migration from Jive to Microsoft 365 was identified as a way to reduce cost while creating a most secure and a fully managed collaboration platform for their business. The challenges faced by the customer was-
- No viable commercial tool available for migration of Jive content
- No single Microsoft 365 product that provided the complete feature set available in Jive
- Though Yammer was not the preferred platform for migrating Jive documents, for discussions, Yammer was perceived as the choice
- Yammer API has several bottlenecks for bulk upload of content, much-needed features like an update of the item, the setting of authorship, and time stamp information are not supported.
- The collaboration document does not have a matching type in SharePoint
- Absence of unified search experience for Yammer and SharePoint Online
- Providing a consistent user experience on SharePoint Online for Jive Users
- The Jive permission model is very different from that of SharePoint
- Needed a prudent governance solution for a controlled Microsoft 365 collaboration platform
The Solution
Netwoven team designed the collaboration process on Microsoft 365 and migrated content from Jive for business continuity. We leveraged Govern 365 for the effective management of Microsoft 365.
- A Yammer integration was implemented with Microsoft 365 Groups for target Information Architecture
- Custom tools were created for the migration where Yammer API limitations required a workaround
- Application design facilitated mapping between Jive and Yammer + Microsoft 365 Groups containers and Content types
- An intermediate repository was designed for facilitating this mapping and transformation
- Jive database snapshot was used to improve the performance of data export
- For some content types, Jive REST API was used for export which provided the final status of the content as rendered by Jive.
- The intermediate storage also helped in Delta migration
- Netwoven created a modular and parallel architecture was created, to improve throughput, which helped processing content in multiple threads
- An extensive permission mapping model was developed to map the permissions to SharePoint
- Netwoven's Govern 365 was deployed to manage the growth and usage of Microsoft 365 workloads
The Benefit
- Improved utilization of the Microsoft 365 platform
- 9% perfection in migrated content
- Intuitive user experience
- Significant savings from termination of Jive license
- Improved Business continuity
- Optimal governance to ensure a managed and monitored platform