Assessment and implementation of Microsoft 365 migration to achieve unified user experience for a cybersecurity company
The company migrated from Jive to Microsoft 365 for real time collaboartive features. This increased user satisfaction and gave them a cost friendly solution.

- Microsoft 365
- SharePoint
- Teams
- Jive
The Challenge
The company was using both Jive and Microsoft 365, with Jive for collaborating with different internal groups. The Jive environment had thousands of spaces, sub-spaces, projects, groups along with their associated content (users, documents, discussions, comments, attachments, images, blogs, videos, etc.) through which users communicated and collaborated. They wanted to migrate to Microsoft 365 completely to collaborate in real-time with better features that Jive did not provide.
The customer faced the following challenges-
- Required a scalable solution to have a cross-over between Jive and Microsoft 365 to remove the redundancy in workload management
- Needed a solution that saved maintenance and licensing cost, as Jive is too expensive
- Required a robust system like Microsoft 365, that is packed with extra value-added features that were not available in Jive
The Solution
Netwoven proposed a seamless way to the customer to migrate from Jive to Microsoft 365, for managing the huge workload. Netwoven worked with the company with a two-step process that comprised of Initial Assessment followed by Implementation.
Initial Assessment
- Understand the customer’s requirements and how the existing environment was used
- Conduct several Proof of Concepts in Microsoft 365 environment with business use-cases
- Review existing content in Jive
- Conduct user workshops
- Develop target Information Architecture (IA) that mapped source Jive objects to target Microsoft 365 objects
This resulted in a significant buy-in process and provided great insights into the business users on how the proposed environment would look like. Netwoven then worked alongside the customer’s IT team using tested migration approach and proprietary tools to execute the migration.
- Source readiness
- Purging content
- Deeper analysis of the content for migration readiness
- Communication planning
- Migration tool configuration
- Test scripts preparation and automation
- Governance planning
- Migration prioritization for iterative execution
The Benefit
- Increased customer satisfaction
- Unified experience
- Cost-friendly solution
- Maximize the use of Microsoft 365 in the organization