In this blog, we show you an example for Bulk page creations by adding webparts to it. As part of a migration project, this was the custom requirement on each site’s ‘Site Pages’ post modernization.
We found some issues continuing to exist in a Modern Page when it was migrated from the Classic Experience, where the Modernization scripts had been run and webparts were one of them.
In our case, we need to add a newly created SPFx webpart to a page where the Modernization of custom webpart from source to destination was not migrated.
$TenantUrl= "<Tenant URL>"
$AppName = "<SPFx App Name>"
$CRInfo_WebpartName="<Webpart Name>"
Connect-PnPOnline -Url $TenantUrl -UseWebLogin
$data = Import-Csv -Path $CSVPath
#Fetch App details from Tenant
$AppDt = Get-PnPApp -Scope Tenant | Where {$_.Title -eq $AppName}
if($AppDt.Id -ne "")
#Also making sure that if the App is not installed at each site collection #level, it will be installed and then the page will be created for the webpart to be #added in the page.
foreach ($row in $data)
Connect-PnPOnline -Url $row.dstUrl -UseWebLogin
$App = Get-PnPApp | Where {$_.Title -eq $AppName}
if($App.InstalledVersion.count -eq 0)
Install-PnPApp -Identity $AppDt.Id
Add-PnPPage -Name "<PageName>.aspx" -LayoutType Article -Publish
$SitePages =Get-PnPListItem -List "Site Pages"
ForEach($Page in $SitePages)
$PageNameWithExtension= ($Page.FieldValues.FileRef).split("/")[4]
if($PageNameWithExtension -like '*<PageName>*')
Get-PnPClientSidePage -Identity "<PageName>.aspx"
Write-Host $Page.FieldValues.FileRef "has been created"
Add-PnPPageWebPart -Page <PageName> -Component $CRInfo_WebpartName
Write-Host "Webpart has been added to the page:" $Page.FieldValues.FileRef
- Tenant URL – Tenant URL of your SP online site
- Path – Path to the csv file which contains all the site URLs
- SPFx App Name – This is the SPFx webpart created app which needs to be installed to get our webpart in each site
- Webpart Name – Name of the webpart that needs to be added on the newly created page

Below is how an input file can be prepared:
Once the above variables have been replaced according to your Tenant, from the above script we will be able to Create a new page with a given name and add webpart to the same in Bulk.
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