The Office 15 release is going to be awesome!
Here are some of my notes on the Office 15 features from the presentation:
- The office ribbon is hidden by default
- All clients think cloud first, then local (skydrive, roaming profiles in the cloud)
- Inline reply (like gmail)
- Peeks (image says it all)
- Office clients all tie into a marketplace in the cloud, reminds me of an idea that Zaplet had back in the 2000’s
- Tablet radial menu
- Signing into your office application
- PDF Editing
- Post documents directly to FaceBook
- “Toasts” remind you where you last were in the document
- Office is now social (lots of focus on “Communication scenarios”)
- SharePoint Mysites now suggests documents you might want to follow
- SharePoint Mysites allows you to use hash tags
- SharePoint “People cards” allow you to see all social networks that the
- Outlook (and office) has skype integration
- Flash fill allows excel worksheets to autofill across Rows auto-magicly
More to come once I get back to my desk