Office 15 Features - Netwoven

Office 15 Features

By Matthew Maher  •  July 16, 2012  •  1498 Views

Netwoven Blog
Office 15 Features

The Office 15 release is going to be awesome!

Here are some of my notes on the Office 15 features from the presentation:

  • The office ribbon is hidden by default
  • All clients think cloud first, then local (skydrive, roaming profiles in the cloud)
  • Inline reply (like gmail)
  • Peeks (image says it all)
  • Office clients all tie into a marketplace in the cloud, reminds me of an idea that Zaplet had back in the 2000’s
  • Tablet radial menu
  • Signing into your office application
  • PDF Editing
  • Post documents directly to FaceBook
  • Toasts” remind you where you last were in the document
  • Office is now social (lots of focus on “Communication scenarios”)
  • SharePoint Mysites now suggests documents you might want to follow
  • SharePoint Mysites allows you to use hash tags
  • SharePoint “People cards” allow you to see all social networks that the
  • Outlook (and office) has skype integration
  • Flash fill allows excel worksheets to autofill across Rows auto-magicly

More to come once I get back to my desk

Matthew Maher

Matthew Maher

Matt Maher is a technical director with Netwoven who has been working with Fortune 500 companies implementing large scale enterprise systems for the last 15 years. Matt is an early member of the Netwoven team and has helped grow Netwoven from it’s infancy to the current stages. Matt is passionate about blending productivity and security to enable modern workplaces. His leadership and expertise have helped companies build secure, highly effective solutions and applications. Matt holds a BS in Computer and Informational Sciences from the University of Massachusetts.

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