Three Predictions About Office 365 in 2017 - Netwoven

Three Predictions About Office 365 in 2017

By Matthew Maher  •  January 11, 2017  •  1980 Views

Three Predictions About Office 365 in 2017

As we shared in our previous blog, Office 365: An IT Dream or a Business Nightmare, Microsoft Office 365 has been a runaway success. Built upon a multi-generational base of past success, Office 365 – essentially, your favorite Microsoft apps on the Cloud – has become the most widely used enterprise cloud service.

But, not content to rest on these laurels, Microsoft maintains a rigorous schedule of updates and upgrades to this cornerstone offering – in fact, even publishing its product roadmap for everyone to see.

A quick glance of this roadmap shows no less than 206 such innovations on deck for consumers in the coming days, weeks and months.

And, since New Year’s is a great time to prognosticate on the future of just about anything, we, too, though we would share some thoughts about which of the forthcoming Office 365 updates we expect to set the world of cloud computing on fire in 2017:

1. Tighter integration with Dynamics 365:

Though Dynamics 365 – Microsoft’s big data and analytics suite — and Office 365 are somewhat integrated today, we predict that there will be even tighter integration between the two cloud services. This will ensure that data flowing into your organization through Office 365 staples, like Outlook, for example, will quickly become a part of your analytics ecosystem. As a marker of such forthcoming alignment, we can look at the recent procurement of collaboration startup Quip by Salesforce as evidence of the validity of our prediction.

2. The general availability of Microsoft Teams:

Microsoft Teams – a chat-based hub that emulates the success of platforms like Slack — will soon be generally available to everyone. Like any chat-based product, organizations will need to decide whether to fully bless one platform over another, Adding to the complexity of the rise of Teams is the fact that Microsoft already supports similar products, including Yammer and Office 365 Groups. One thing is for certain, however – an integrated collaboration suite will ultimately spur greater efficiencies in the Office 365 ecosystem, which can only be a good thing. But, the rise of chat-based collaboration leads us to our third prediction:

3. More control and governance for Groups and Teams

IT departments are always skeptical about allowing users free, unfettered use of products and services. Since Microsoft is intent on releasing several innovations in support of collaboration, organizations are going to need more clarity and control in place to manage their Office 365 environments.  The good news is that all of these products are tightly integrated with the company’s active directory, so it will be relatively easier to put controls in place. There is no substitute to good governance, especially when it comes to chat-based collaboration.

As always, your best hedge against obsolescence is professional help – from your friends here at Netwoven. Though some of the Office 365 roadmap innovations will be pushed automatically, without fanfare, many will require planning and interpretation for our organization to get the most out of the upgrade. At Netwoven, we’re proud of our heritage as an Office 365 expert, and would be happy to help you get the most out of the service.

Matthew Maher

Matthew Maher

Matt Maher is a technical director with Netwoven who has been working with Fortune 500 companies implementing large scale enterprise systems for the last 15 years. Matt is an early member of the Netwoven team and has helped grow Netwoven from it’s infancy to the current stages. Matt is passionate about blending productivity and security to enable modern workplaces. His leadership and expertise have helped companies build secure, highly effective solutions and applications. Matt holds a BS in Computer and Informational Sciences from the University of Massachusetts.

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