Jive Migration Readiness Assessment - Netwoven

Jive Migration Readiness Assessment

By Soma Choudhuri  •  December 16, 2020  •  2076 Views

Jive Migration Readiness Assessment

Before the migration starts, it is always required to know your content and plan accordingly. A successful migration always depends upon careful planning, detailing of each activity, simulation and trials, combined with team training and adoption. Inventory analysis is the first step towards this.

For every Jive Migration project, we first prepare a detailed report of the current Jive Inventory, which includes not only the content types like Document, Discussions, Blogs, Videos, or events but also it includes the permission information, freshness of the content, view counts and many more. This helps to decisions while migrations.

Jive Migration Readiness Assessment

-This is a sample Place inventory report. This report lists all the places with their activity date and size and their content count.

Other reports like document reports include document details, versions with their metadata, Blogs report, discussions and questions report, and all other reports analyze the content in detail and give an insight of the Jive content usage. The advantage of the Power BI report is the ability to search, sort, and filter inventory information in various ways

Core Features

This is one of the most powerful reports, that gives the entire jive inventory with the user story behind it. This interactive Power BI report list all the places with their activity date and size, all files and documents with their metadata, blogs, discussions and questions, comments, events, videos, tasks, checkpoints, and many more. Gives the ability to search, sort, and filter inventory information based on content type, status, and year of modification.

  • Jive place inventory with count of views in last 6 months
  • Usage trends
  • Documents – their versions and size
  • Important Tags and usage
  • Blogs with active and inactive users and their sharing information
  • Top contributors in each Jive place

What’s in it for you?

Identify active content

Know which places are most recently used and what is the size of their content, how many active users are there, who are admins, and who are the top contributors of that place. Get all that information at a glance. Also, get the list of places which are hardly used.

Business critical content

Identify the business-critical sites and their admins. It’s important to communicate with them and schedule their migration appropriately.

Which type of container used mostly is it a group or community? Are the personal spaces used frequently? And what is the most used content type there? If numbers of discussions are high then personal sites can be mapped to Individual site collection to overcome OneDrive’s limitation.

To learn more about Netwoven’s industry-leading Jive to Microsoft 365 Migration solution, read our Datasheet.

For a comprehensive look into Netwoven’s Jive to Microsoft 365 solution, download our Solution Brief.

Already decided to migrate from Jive to Microsoft 365? Please fill up this questionnaire and our sales team will reach out to you at the earliest.

Soma Choudhuri

Soma Choudhuri

Soma Choudhuri is the Sr. Technical Architect at Netwoven Inc. focused on Enterprise Content Management (ECM). In her 19 years of career, her primary area of expertise has been developing and implementing SharePoint collaboration portals and .NET web applications. Soma has been a leading Microsoft technologies expert for clients across USA and India. Prior to joining Netwoven, she held many organizational leadership roles across manufacturing and financial services industries.

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