Install PostgreSQL for Windows and restore database using GUI

Install PostgreSQL for Windows and restore database using GUI

By Tirtha Ghosh  •  November 17, 2015  •  11487 Views

Netwoven Blog

PostgreSQL is of the most popular open source database around the market for quite some time. Though designed for UNIX/Linux platform, setting up a PostgreSQL for Windows server platform might be a challenge at time.

Here is a simple tutorial to help you get started with creating a Database Server free.


  • Download GUI installer for PostgreSQL
  • Install PostgreSQL GUI
  • Connect to Database
  • Create a New Database
  • Restore Database

Download PostgreSQL:

  • Go to
  • Click on Windowst1
  • Click on Download the installer from EnterpriseDB for all supported versionst2
  • Chose the correct version you are looking for (here I have considered postgresql-9.3.4-3-windows-x64)t3

PostgreSQL Installation:

  • Right click on installation file
  • Run as administratort5
  • Click “yes”
  • Chose the installation directory



  • Chose directory to store data
  • Specify the password for the database super user and keep it in a safe place, it will be required after installation to connect to database.


  • The default port is 5432. However you can choose your custom port too. By any means if you see that the installer does not show port number 5432 it means that there must be another instance of PostgreSQL already running with port 5432. Choosing a new port here would create a new instance of the database and will run alongside the existing instance.


  • Now setup is ready for the installation


  • Installation in progress – wait for it to complete.


  • Uncheck the box for downloading tools and click on finish


Connect to Database:

  • Go to pgAdmin III


Now right click on database and  click on connect


Use the same password which has been used for database super user in the configuration step abovet21

  • Finally the database is connected


Create a Custom Database:

  • Open pgAdminIII and follow the screenshots.
  • Select the owner and provide a name of the databaset26
  • Keep the database definition defaultt27
  • Keep the Variable parameters also defaultt28
Install PostgreSQL for Windows and restore database using GUI
  • Select all Role for Public Privileget30
Install PostgreSQL for Windows and restore database using GUI
Install PostgreSQL for Windows and restore database using GUI

Restore a Database:

  • Open pgAdminIII once again and select and existing database that you want to restoret34
  • Provide the details of the database dump file from the explorer window.t35
  • Now click on “Restore”t36
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